Gold Dress + Teresa Vick

When it was my turn with “the gold" traveling dress
I knew I wanted to take it out and shoot with it multiple times before my one-week time limit was up. I decided on a couples shoot, underwater, and a spot in the Columbia River Gorge that I’ve been dying to shoot at. What I love about projects like this is that I allow myself the freedom to shoot creatively in a way I might not with a client.
My goals were this:
- Practice Freelensing
- Try to get wider, landscape-style shots
- Attempt an underwater session
Freelensing is always something I’m practicing, but wider, landscape-style images are not usually my forte and I’d never attempted underwater before. With a custom-made dress by Lexy Parks, how could I not use the opportunity to shoot Lexy-inspired with wide angles and amazing landscapes, especially when I live in the Pacific Northwest and the Columbia River Gorge is just 30 minutes away.

Next up, underwater session. I put out a call to my friends, found access to a pool, and borrowed a point-and-shoot digital underwater camera.
Things I learned from going underwater? I really want underwater housing now. The point-and-shoot allowed me to get some really dreamy-painterly images, as you’ll see.
However my favorite images from the underwater session are the ones where I wasn’t actually under the water myself but was standing at the edge of the pool shooting down over the top with a full-frame Canon camera as seen below.
Last but not least, I took the dress out with a couple and we roamed the streets of Portland, OR. Finding little nooks and crannies to shoot in is always fun for me. Under bridges, on bridges, standing on a ledge. I’m not sure if my models appreciate my sense of adventure but I sure had fun.

Artist and Photographer since 2013, specializing in Fine Art Portraiture for Wall Art located in Vancouver, WA, USA.